The purpose of this assignment is twofold:
* To rev up your type skills and
* To push you to follow very specific parameters
Review the typography information in the Resources, Tools & Info, (under General Design) area for good mixing and “proper handling”.
Choose two things, ideas or people that either REALLY go together or REALLY DON’T go together. We looking for extremes. For example:
Bread & Butter go together, right?
Oil & Water, don’t.
The “MIX” option has proven to be the easier to pull off.
Using what you learn in the articles and examples, choose the two words that either go together or don’t then represent them in fonts that work well together or don’t respectively.
Begin by choosing your two words, and consider how you can “tell the story” of these two words with THE TEXT ONLY…i.e. NO IMAGES!
Then design your ending, resting screen accordingly, and plan to work towards that end.
Stage: 720 x 480 BG Color: White Text: Black Configure: More or less in the horizontal center of the stage, slightly lower than middle. Font Size: Large, as large as works best to activate the entire space. White space is a beutiful thing, but all things in balance At the Top, indicate either: MIX or DON’T MIX:. The font must:
Legend at bottom: (i.e. which fonts you used)
Add a stop action to the end. |
Stage: 720 x 480 BG Color: Black Text: White Configure: More or less in the horizontal center of the stage, slightly lower than middle. Font Size: Large, as large as works best to activate the entire space. White space is a beutiful thing, but all things in balance At the Top, indicate either: MIX or DON’T MIX:. The font must:
Legend at bottom: (i.e. which fonts you used)
Add a stop action to the end. |
If you choose to do a SPLIT SCREEN with some portion of the background BLACK, and another WHITE, follow the guidelines for the MIX and the LEGEND accordingly.
This means that if your upper half is BLACK instead of WHITE, the word “MIX” should be color #999999.
Please ask if you are uncertain about any of this BEFORE beginning.